New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police


NJFOP President Robert W. Fox

                                     Message From the President

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and okay in this unprecedented time during the Pandemic emergency of the Coronavirus. As a first responder, you are on the frontline responding to calls and situations of those who are both infected with the virus and those who are not.  Thank you for all you have done, doing now, and will do in the future.  This is going to be a marathon and not a sprint.  You and your families, as always, continue to make huge sacrifices for the citizens of New Jersey.

At this time, I am directing you to stop all Public Local FOP Lodge Meetings and Public Local Executive Board Meetings for the month of April. This is necessary so that we are in step with the National and State Of Emergencies that have been declared. I feel that by the end of April, we will have a better handle on the virus and will act accordingly from then on.

We will wait to make decisions on events that are schedule beyond that until after we get through the month of April. We will make it through this difficult time and be stronger. I want to stress that if you do have to venture out, continue to use social distancing to keep yourself and your families safe.

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