2025 Mini-Conference Hotel Registration
Please click the above photo for registrations, agenda & locations.

Legislative Alert – H.R. 82, Social Security Fairness Act

Fraternal Order of Policy – NJ State Lodge National Endorsements:
Please click -HERE- for a downloadable pdf of these endorsements.

NJFOP Basic Training Information and Registration
Please use the QR code or click -HERE- to register for the NJFOP Training event.

Detective Melvin V. Santiago Memorial Walk
In honor of Detective Melvin V. Santiago's ultimate sacrifice 10 years ago,...

Cornhole Tournament – Sponsored by Markowitz & Richman

Appellate Division upholds Daniel’s Law!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAppellate Division upholds Daniel’s Law protections for...

38th Biennial New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police State Conference

3rd Annual Black & Blue Ball