2020-2022 NJ State Fraternal Order of Police Executive Board
President Robert W. Fox 
Elected to a two-year term as President of the NJ State FOP Lodge in August, 2014. Member of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1973 and served as Cherry Hill police officer for 25 years. Held several offices in Cherry Hill FOP Lodge #28, including: Treasurer, State Trustee, Guard and President for 14 years. NJ State FOP Lodge dates back to the early 90’s and held a myriad of elected positions over the years. Served as the National Trustee for two years, Sergeant at Arms for two years, Chaplain for 12 years, and Executive Vice President for eight years. 2008-09, was assigned to the Attorney General’s Suicide Task Force to develop a video to be used at every police academy to help prevent suicides
Executive Vice President Bob Gries 
Elected as Executive Vice President of the NJ State FOP Lodge in August, 2014. Member of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1989 and served as a Monmouth County Sheriff’s Officer and retired after 25 Years of Meritorious Service in 2008. Held several offices in Monmouth County Lodges #30, #45, #73 including: Secretary and Chairman of Bylaws Committee Lodge #30 from 2004 to Present, State Trustee of Lodge 45 from 1996 to 2001 and President of Lodge #73 from 1989 until 1992. Member of State FOP Legal Aid Committee: 1992 to 1994, 2002 to present Held number of State FOP Committee Memberships including Sick And Vigil (2000-Present, Chairman 2008-2010), Awards (1998-2000), Ways and Means (1997-1998), Expansion (1996-1998), Solicitation (1994 to 1996), Bylaws (1990-1992)
Vice President James Stewart 
Member of Newark Lodge #12 since 1995 Detective at the Newark Police Department Special duties held at Newark Police includes Patrol Division (1995-1999) and (2008-2010), Investigative Section (2000-2006), Prisoner Processing Division (2006-2008) Served on a number of State FOP Committees: Legislative Committee (2010-Present), PFRS Local Pension Committee (2011-Present) Local FOP Offices held include: Executive Board Member since 2003, Trustee (2006-2010), Vice President (2010-2012), President (2012-Present)
Corresponding Secretary James Ford
Detective Sergeant, Florence Township Police Department (2004-Present). Founding and charter member of Florence FOP Lodge#210. President of Florence FOP Lodge #210 (2006-2016) (2020-Present). Member of the Year Florence FOP Lodge #210 (2008). NJFOP Recording Secretary (2014-2020). Member of the NJFOP Education Committee (2008-Present). Member of the NJFOP Legislative Committee (2014-Present). Member of the NJFOP Diversity Committee (2020- Present). Member of the NJFOP Wellness Committee (2020-Present). Member of the NJFOP Expansion Committee (2018-Present). Member of the NJFOP Scholarship Committee (2016-Present).Chairman of the NJFOP Education Committee (2014-2018). Chairman of the NJFOP Legislative Committee (2014-2018).
Treasurer George Kline 
Member of Willingboro Lodge #38 Since 1981 Served as a Member of the Willingboro Police Department and retired as a Lieutenant after 25 Years of Meritorious Service. Special duties held at Willingboro Police included SWAT Team member (1986-1996), Field Training Officer (1991-1999), WPD Firearms Instructor (1994-2006), Burlington County Police Academy Firearms and Radar Instructor (1994-2007). Served in a number of NJ State FOP Offices including Treasurer (2002-Present), and Recording Secretary (1996-2002).
Sergeant at Arms Kenneth Hawkins 
Founder and Former President of Essex County Department of Corrections FOP Lodge #71 Corrections Officer at Essex County Department Of Corrections with 28 Years of Service Chairman of State FOP PERC Committee.
Serves on Numerous State FOP Committees including the Expansion Committee (2002 to Present), Labor Committee (2002 to Present), Tactical North Committee (2002 to Present) Negotiating Experience:
Led a PERC victory in 2001 after three previous attempts.
Chaplain Jim McGuire
Elected as Chaplain of the NJ State FOP Lodge in September 2020. Member of the of Fraternal Order of Police since 1973. Served as a Member of the Jersey City Police Department and retired as a Lieutenant after 33 years of Meritorious Service. Served as Treasurer in Jersey City Lodge #4 for 14 years. Held number of State FOP Committee Memberships including Ways & Means (2008 -Present), Chairman from (2010-2012), Tactical North Committee (2012-2014), Tactical Central Committee (2015-Present). Executive Board Member of The Honor Legion of the Police Departments of the State of New Jersey Legion (1998 – Present), Chairman of the Awards Committee (2009-2019).
National Trustee Kevin Vernon
Elected to a two year term as the NJ National Trustee in August 2017 at the National Conference in Nashville, TN
Retired at the Rank of Patrol Sergeant at Willingboro Township Police Department after 25 Years of Service
Member of Willingboro FOP Lodge #38 and FOP Member since 1992
Served Willingboro FOP Lodge #38 as President (2007-2016) and Vice President (2003-2006)
Served on the National FOP Labor Committee (2011-2014)
Served as Chair NJ State FOP Committees: Solicitation(2007-present),Expansion(2017-Present),Disaster Trailer(2017-Present)
NJ State FOP Member of the Year 2012