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NJFOP denounces the actions of the Minneapolis police

NJFOP denounces the actions of the Minneapolis police

The New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police joins other law enforcement professionals to denounce the actions of the Minneapolis police officer for his role in the death of Mr. George Floyd. The NJFOP strongly believes it is the responsibility of law enforcement to serve...

FLEOA and NJFOP jointly sue NJ for violating LEOSA

FLEOA and NJFOP jointly sue NJ for violating LEOSA

On Monday, May 11, 2020, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA)President Larry Cosme and the New Jersey State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police President Robert W. Fox met at the NJFOP Trenton headquarters to announce that they jointly filed a...

NJFOP denounces the actions of the Minneapolis police

Brothers and Sisters,  In light of the fact that COVID-19 has placed first responders in the untenable position of fighting an invisible enemy which has severely adversely affected our health, NJFOP has successfully sought to have legislation introduced to...

Members who need disaster relief financial assistance. CLICK HERE. Complete the form & submit completed form to: NJFOP Disaster Relief, 108 W State St., Trenton NJ 08608.

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