Latest News and Announcements
NJFOP-supported bill that expands categories for retired officers eligible to be security officers
NJFOP has been pushing for expansion of categories of retired law enforcement officers who would be eligible to be security officers in schools...both nonpublic and well as county colleges. NJFOP President Robert W. Fox maintains that expansion of the list...
NJFOP is extremely disappointed Governor Murphy signed S-1036
The New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police (NJFOP) is very disappointed that Governor Murphy would sign S-1036 into law. This new law will require that all police-involved shootings and police in-custody deaths be investigated by the Attorney General’s Office. ...
New PFRS Retirement Board to be Sworn in Feb. 1
The swearing in will take place at the Pension Building 50 West State Street, Trenton, NJ. Congrats to our Brother Marc Morgan!
Law Enforcement Appreciation Night
Saturday, February 9 at 1 pm Prudential Center 25 Lafayette St Newark, New Jersey 07102 on Tickets starting at $50. Come out and support our brave men and women in uniform! First 250 tickets purchased receive a limited edition New Jersey Devils Challenge Coin! This...
Unveiling NJFOP disaster response trailer
NJFOP President wants to thank our Committee members who have made our new services disaster response trailer possible: Chairman Kevin Vernon (NJ State Lodge),Kevin Karcher (NJ State Lodge), Pete Alfinito (Burlington County Lodge 2), Gerald Traynor (Long Beach Island...
Governor Murphy signs Increased Ammunition bill into law.
Governor Phil Murphy has signed A-2846 into law today. We have been victorious in rectifying an issue brought on by a recently enacted law that restricted the number of rounds of ammunition that law enforcement could possess. We pushed hard to have it clarified and...
Legislature will vote on Ammunition Bill Monday-Dec 17th
Due to the efforts of the State FOP and other law enforcement organizations, S-2846, will now be voted on this Monday, Dec 17th. It will pass and then go to the Governor for his expected signature. This bill concerns law enforcement officers’ ability to...