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NJFOP Toy Express kicked off Saturday, Nov. 10

Our New Jersey State FOP Holiday Toy Drive kicked off this Saturday 11/10/18 with our pick-up of over 500 from the Pennsylvania State Lodge. The NJFOP Toy Express expect to deliver toys throughout the State to children in need and charitable programs which do the...

Personal Message from President Fox…

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our daily work lives, we are totally aware of danger and how fragile life is.  But, we often become oblivious to how fragile our lives are because of some undiagnosed health issue.  That was my status a week ago and I am grateful to be on...

The following bills had action recently

S2201 - Establishes criminal penalties for unlawful control over weapons of any law enforcement officer and interference with equipment or duties of law enforcement officers and emergency services personnel. 03/08/2018 Introduced and referred to Senate Law and Public...

Members who need disaster relief financial assistance. CLICK HERE. Complete the form & submit completed form to: NJFOP Disaster Relief, 108 W State St., Trenton NJ 08608.

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